Copyright notice and closing messages //////////////////////////////////// Please read this entire section as it contains important information. Pinochle's BIGSURF Netguide volume 3.1 July 1995 This list although general in nature contains many specific places for Macintosh users to go to get information and related software for their computing interests. We hope that all Internet travellers enjoy this list and enjoy their travels. Surf's Up ! This list is not meant to be a complete listing of Internet sites nor is it meant to be an exhaustive compilation of everywhere there is to go on the Internet or a complete directory of Internet sites. It is merely designed to provide YOU, the Internet traveller, interesting places to surf and visit. I truly hope that you find this "BIGSURF Net-List" enjoyable and informative. Suggestions are welcome and can be sent via email to the author. If you have a particular Web, gopher,ftp or any Internet site that YOU feel is a great place to visit or has unique items then send this info to me via email. I love information accessed through tasty packet waves and your suggestions and new-site information will be greatly appreciated. Please do not inform me of commercial BBS sites or any site that is strictly a "pay to enter" site. I refuse to include these types of services or sites on the BIGSURF list. Period. Don't forget - even users with Unix dial-up connections (non SLIP/PPP) can access and enjoy many of the World Wide Web pages listed here with Lynx (available on most Unix platforms). You may not get the whiz-bang graphics but the essential information will be there and you'll still be able to "link" to other sites via hot-spots on Web pages. *************************************************************************** This BIGSURF list in digital, published or any format (BIGSURF Netguide) is copyright 1995 by: S. DiRosa ("Pinochle") email: or... send postal mail to: ------------------------------------- |~~~~~ //////// | |~~~~~~ | | | | S.DiRosa | | 232 Talbot Drive | | Broomall, PA 19008 | | | | attn: BIGSURF Netguide | -------------------------------------- I am also a frequent visitor to Usenet - look for Pinochle in: --> --> alt.sys.mac.newuser-help --> I consider these newsgroups my "home away from home" *************************************************************************** Copyright Notice and donation request There is to be NO charge for the use or distribution of this list unless expressly stated so by the author. Commercial distribution of this list is not allowed except when permission is obtained by the author. Donations by the end user are requested ($5.00 US) (Please email an initial request for intent to distribute including a Postal Address and email address - a reply will follow issued by the author either via email or US postal mail.) (Please read further towards the end of this page for my donation request. The request is more than fair and is needed to provide continued efforts and updates to the BIGSURF Netguide.) If distributed - then the BIGSURF Netguide *in its entirety* must be distributed. There is not to be "sections" or "pieces" of it distributed. This will be considered an infringement of the copyright notice and will be prosecuted to the furthest extent of present legal means. Hey - I'm not joking one bit on this matter. One more time - Any distribution of BIGSURF for commercial purposes is forbidden except when written consent is obtained by the author. If any reader or user of BIGSURF notes a violation of this request - please email me and let me know about it! Fair is fair and independent developers and publishers need your help in these matters - please do not let commercial interests obliterate individual efforts. One more time- No modification of this document is allowed. Period. PERIOD! This list is meant to be free since information is inherently free. Anyone who tries to contain this kernel of info and does not share it shall be considered an info-squirrel. May your acorns rot! However - since many hours are put into the making and compiling and writing and maintenance of this list I would appreciate a donation of (US) $5.00 Since BIGSURF is a regularly published piece I would not expect users to pay every month - but I do ask for some kind of contribution for my tireless efforts. I do not think a $5.00 request is too much to ask for non-commercial use. Believe me - you could easily pay a lot more and get a whole lot less! There are books and magazines out there that charge outrageous sums of money and do not have half the quality sites I am providing and certainly do not provide funds for an individual to continue to provide the Internet community information and resources. Please help support individual efforts - don't pay commercial interests and then neglect individual or independent developers and publications. Your donations are needed and most truly appreciated! In any case - the contribution is not mandatory - only suggested. If you have a heart and wish to contribute then here is the address to send in your payment: Please make $5.00 payment payable to: S. DiRosa Please send payment to: ______________________________ S. DiRosa 232 Talbot Drive Broomall, PA 19008 attn: BIGSURF Netguide _______________________________ I sincerely thank everyone for taking the time read this part of BIGSURF for if you have read all the way to this point then you are indeed an official "info-hound" and get the most out of what you are given or what you have obtained... once again I thank you for your contributions. S. DiRosa aka "Pinochle" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Some miscellaneous info - Blue Savannah! (E. Reid) and I are co-founders of the Usenet newsgroup: -----> alt.sys.mac.newuser-help If your newsfeed or newsserver does not have our newsgroup on it - then call your ISP and ask for it to be added. You'll find this an informative little corner on Usenet for Mac users who need help or just want to stop in and chat and say hello. We are always ready to help new users with any concerns or questions. You'll find the members of alt.sys.mac.newuser-help friendly and never condescending. This is truly a newsgroup that will make you feel at home and hopefully will become *your* little corner of the 'net to come, chat and talk too! We welcome all new members and always look forward to seing you there! Pinochle (that's me) is also regular contributor to the Usenet newsgroups: -----> alt.sys.mac.newuser-help -----> -----> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I would like to especially thank... Blue Savannah! for his friendship and assistance in creating this project and the creation of the fabulous BIGSURF icon. Blue Savannah! and Lefty (Kurt Lieber) are working hard at putting up a new HyperMac web site that will a boon to Mac users across the world. The MIA home page along with the alt.sys.mac.newuser-help newsgroup homepage along with lots of links to other Mac related and Internet related info will be shortly available from this one web site. This BIGSURF Netguide will also be available here as a fully linked web document and Blue is working hard to make this web version of BIGSURF even easier to use and fully Netscape compatible. As soon as the site is completed - BIGSURF Netguide will be announcing the news by the publishing of a brand new issue which wil herald the arrival of this invaluable site. Mac users - this will *truly* be a great site to see. As soon as the HyperMac Home Page is up on the web - get your browser and surf here pronto! The Big Kahuna is already catchin' waves here. All inquiries relating to the new HyperMac Web Site should be sent to: Blue Savannah! and Kurt Lieber Thanks also to Chris Thomas for his wonderful Miseberakasu application. Final thanks to all the contributors that have made BIGSURF an informative and successful digital publication. Keep those suggestions coming in! My thanks to the few that have paid the small donation fee request. Unfortunately, unless a others begin to contribute, BIGSURF cannot possibly be maintained and updated on a regular basis or offer the wealth of information that it currently provides. PLEASE support BIGSURF !!! Independent developers and publishers are a vital link in the information chain - help support informational freedom and independence. Do you really want all your info coming from only a few big commercial interests with only their point of view? That's scary - think about it. BIGSURF is now available in many published formats. BIGSURF via World Wide Web (BIGSURF ala HTML) BIGSURF via World Wide Web (BIGSURF in plain text) BIGSURF via ftp - self-launching document application (Macintosh only) BIGSURF via gopher - plain text and binary download of application version My thanks again to all the people that have given BIGSURF a "home" on their sites and to all those that have BIGSURF Netguide linked with their web pages or gopher sites. Other means of accessing BIGSURF... *************************************************************************** BIGSURF online gopher site gopher:// The Univ. of Texas at Arlington's Academic Computing Services has graciously given BIGSURF a gopher hole to call home! James Stewart of the ACS at UTA has informed me that he has the BIGSURF gopher site up and ready for use. This will allow multi-platform users to use and access the BIGSURF Netguide containing all its info and site listings. BIGSURF is [still] originally published and distributed as a Macintosh specific application (self-launching document) but now has broke free of its bonds to be used by all Internet enthusiasts. Need I say more? Point your gopher client to this URL and burrow on over. My personal thanks to Mr. Stewart. ___________________________________________________________________________ BIGSURF Online (New and Improved WWW site) Rowan Simms at Capability Management has been busy at work providing a fully linked version of BIGSURF to World Wide Web users. You will find this site well laid out and easy to use. My thanks to Rowan and to Capability Management for their efforts in putting BIGSURF on the web in fully site-linked format. Now *this* is surfing boys and girls! And now a word from the sponsors... CAPABILITY MANAGEMENT are world leaders in enabling organisations to increase their returns from IT investments by 300-500% and achieve consistent *** High Value Computing *** Contact details: Email: FAX: +(613) 9521 9742 (Australia) WWW pages: ___________________________________________________________________________ New WWW site for BIGSURF! Josef Eschgfaeller in the Mathematics Dept. (Dipartimento Matematico) at the Universita' di Ferrara, Italy, has graciously put up BIGSURF on the WWW and has donated site space for BIGSURF updates. My personal and humble thanks to Josef for his interest, support, time and effort. ___________________________________________________________________________ VoiceNet Macshare archives My "home" ISP (Internet Service Provider) has a wonderful ftp site for Mac users. Try the /macshare directory for other great software. This site always has the most recent Mac self-launching document version of BIGSURF available. Thanks to Craig Hillwig who maintains the macshare archive at the VoiceNet ftp server site. Also - my thanks to all those VoiceNet who happen to run one of the *best* ISP services around. Here is some info on my ISP of choice. The connect rates are extremely reasonable and they are most helpful in getting you connected. The connected members of VoiceNet are also a very helpful "family" so you'll never feel lost. The business and network service they provide are second to none and if there is no better full service ISP and network-to-network provider including World Wide Web page creation and marketing assistance. You simply won't find a more helpful support team than VoiceNet's support team. Here is some more information on my favorite and *preferred* ISP VoiceNet is a full service Internet access provider. They offer dialup SLIP/PPP/UUCP and shell accounts. VoiceNet supports over 17 dialup locations and have their own backbone. They are the largest regional Internet access provider in their service area. VoiceNet also owns and operates the DSC computer bulletin board (DSC-BBS) which is the fifth largest in the country (US). They also provide dedicated network to network connections to the Internet and offer ISDN 56K, fractional T1, and full T1 circuits to your location. VoiceNet really can assist you with *any* networking needs. They are a WAN specialist. And to top it off - VoiceNet also can help you market your products and/or services through the World Wide Web including the creation of WWW pages. For additional information contact: e-mail address: sales and info voice# (800) 835-5710 toll free (215) 674-9290 WWW address I know what you may be thinking... but... no... this is an unsolicited comment. I am under no obligation to VoiceNet. I just like to get out the word on a very good ISP that knows how to treat customers right. They even have their own Usenet newsgroup for discussion. The members and newsgroup posts/replies are very helpful. If you're in Voicenet's service area give these folks a call - they really are great. The staff and support and service offered by Voicenet is the best in the industry. ___________________________________________________________________________ BIGSURF available via FTP FTP to: in the --> /mirrors/info-mac/comm/info/ Since BIGSURF versions are continually being updated I suggest using the "dir" command or if using a graphical ftp client looking in the /info dir for the recent BIGSURF upload, Presently the full path of BIGSURF 3.1 looks like this... ___________________________________________________________________________ BIGSURF is also distributed through... AMUG (Arizona Macintosh User Group) "Home of the BBS in a Box CD" (My thanks to Ashley Armstrong at AMUG) NYMUG (New York Macintosh User Group) distributed through NYMUG services such as their NYMUG BBS system Ziffnet/Mac (Compuserve) A "Sysop's Choice" and available through the Download & Support area in the Internet Library [ 5 ] eWorld online services - Internet Forum and Info Klokhuis Group, The Netherlands, Europe a non-profit organization that handles CD-ROM distribution of various collections of shareware and software for the European marketplace. BIGSURF is distributed in both application and text format through this non-profit distributor. ************************************************************************** My thanks to all the distributors above and a *special* thanks to my ISP and to Capability Management and Rowan Simms for the efforts in making BIGSURF available for the general public to enjoy. Information is meant to be freely distributed for power does not come to those who simply acquire and hoard information, nor does power emanate from those who merely generate information; true power lies in the shared understanding of what to do with it... ***************************************************************************